
Keeping communication constructive when challenges or conflicts arise

Honest and open conversations foster teamwork, progress, trust, and just about everything else positive in the workplace. Conversely, poor conversation skills derail important initiatives, wrecking morale and torpedoing projects.

Conversational Capacity®
teaches people how to engage in constructive, learning-focused dialogue when challenging topics or conflicts arise, so they can make informed decisions and find the best solutions, even under high pressure. Difficult exchanges become learning opportunities, and unfocused meetings become innovation incubators.

office people having conversation around laptop
Team members having a meeting - Big whiteboard displaying a graph table

Unlock the keys to Conversational Capacity®

Conversational Capacity® is the ability of an individual or a team to engage in open, balanced, non-defensive dialogue about difficult subjects and in challenging circumstances. It is also the sweet spot where innovation happens.

Conversational Capacity® teaches learners the following:

  • Awareness: Learners recognise when fight-or-flight reactions prevent real listening and create discomfort in others. This awareness allows for a more intentional response to challenging conversations.
  • Mindset: Exploring diverse perspectives and listening to contrasting views are emphasised because that is where the most significant opportunities for insights and growth are.
  • Skillset: Four behaviours are essential to Conversational Capacity®: two that build genuine candour and two that build curiosity. Balancing candour and curiosity creates the conversational sweet spot.

Delivery Options to Meet Your Needs

We can deliver Conversational Capacity® in-person, as virtual sessions, as part of a learning journey, or delivered in a self-directed online version, so your managers can learn the methodology wherever they are and whenever they have time.

In Person



1 Day In-Person Course

The in-person course is one full day. 

Prework: LAUNCH — Welcome the participants and set the context for individuals and teams to reach new levels of performance through various activities to engage in open, balanced, and non-defensive conversations. 

Session 1: LEARN — Defines awareness as the ability to recognize the two powerful emotional reactions and how they are essential for staying in the sweet spot.  

Session 2: PRACTISE — Defines the Conversational Capacity® Skillset, which includes specific behaviours people can use to balance candour and curiosity.

Session 3: APPLY — Introduces the Curiosity Skills, which highlights the advantage of having the humility to seek out information that might be missing and to understand others’ points of view.

Virtual In-Person Course

The Conversational Capacity® virtual course includes prework assignments completed before the first course, with three two-hour live virtual sessions spread out over time. The virtual sessions offer learners an engaging experience that includes instruction, group activities, and opportunities to practise new skills.

  • In the virtual sessions, participants develop new skills by completing activities based on personal work challenges 
  • Participants receive a set of online tools to aid in mastering the content and using it with others

Online Overview

This 35-minute online overview teaches the core concepts of Conversational Capacity® through micro-learning activities. Ideal for learners who need an overview of the content or a refresher, this course design can be used along with virtual and in-person sessions, or as part of a learning journey, to create more flexible learning experiences.

Digital Activities

A set of nine micro-activities ranging from one to five minutes that learners can use during moments of need. The playlist includes videos, activities, and worksheets on topics such as influencing up, tackling touchy topics, why arguing backfires, and leaning into difference.

Check out our upcoming "Thrive in 2025" Promotional Courses

Team members having a meeting

Conversational Capacity®: The Secret to Building Successful Teams That Perform When the Pressure Is On.

Conversational Capacity® provides the communication tools you need to:

  • Ensure that teams remain on track even when dealing with troublesome issues
  • Respond to tough challenges with agility and skill
  • Perform brilliantly in circumstances that would incapacitate less disciplined teams

Communication can be a business driver or a derailer

Research has revealed that

38% of New Zealand employees believe that poor communication on employee-related matters hampers staff productivity.(1)

Leading American research has revealed that companies with better relationships and communication experience 20% higher productivity, 21% higher profitability, and 41% lower absenteeism.(2)

  1. Xero, Changing World of Work Report.
  2. Wellness Council of America, The ROI on Better Workplace Conversations.
two women talking in front of laptop

Good Listeners and Communicators Unlock Your Workplace’s Potential

Conversational Capacity® is the foundation for a positive and productive workplace. It redirects all the energy wasted in unproductive exchanges into channels that benefit people and the enterprise.

Engage Employees

When people have honest and meaningful conversations, morale rises and the workplace buzzes with enthusiasm.

Spur Innovation

People share ideas. Colleagues contribute. A good idea evolves into a great one. That’s how innovation happens.

Improve Productivity

The gap between what people say and what others hear closes. Miscommunication and misunderstandings evaporate, and real work gets done.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us today to learn how we can help your leaders learn the skills they need to be more effective communicators.

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