
Critical individual skills that set people up for workplace success

Personal effectiveness in today's work environment typically includes a combination of skills, behaviours, and attitudes that enable an individual to perform well in their job and contribute to the organisation’s overall success. Key aspects of personal effectiveness include honing the ability to:

  • Prioritise tasks, set goals, and manage time effectively
  • Adapt to new situations, changes in work processes, or new technologies
  • Understand one's strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and emotions
  • Bounce back from setbacks, learn from mistakes, and maintain a positive attitude
  • Continuously learn and improve one's skills, knowledge, and competencies
Blanchard NZ - Personal Effectiveness

Become more intentional and productive

Blanchard believes that one of the most effective ways for workers to become more productive is to be intentional about their work—prioritising their tasks and focusing on the most important and urgent tasks, whilst eliminating distractions.

Blanchard programmes teach the skills necessary to improve job performance and advance in today’s changing marketplace—including how to:

Navigate unclear expectations

Gain clarity about what is expected and how to align work with the organisation’s goals.

Effectively manage time

Manage time effectively, especially when faced with a large workload and multiple competing priorities.

Maximise limited resources

Deal with limitations in terms of the available resources and support that can make it difficult to complete work effectively and efficiently.

Manage stress

The pressure to perform and meet or exceed expectations can lead to high stress levels and burnout among workers, which can negatively impact productivity and success.

Recommended Solutions


Self Leadership

Empower everyone to take control of their own success.

Learn more


Conversational Capacity®

Keeping communication constructive when challenges or conflicts arise.

Learn more


Building Trust

Great leadership begins with a workplace culture built on trust.

Learn more


Essential Motivators™

Boost collaboration by better understanding what motivates yourself and others.

Learn more

Give every employee the tools for individual success

A successful organisation is the by-product of a workplace culture where everyone gets the necessary training and has the tools and resources needed to do their job well and grow as a team member. Let us build a custom learning journey to help everyone in your company become more effective in the work they do every day.

Woman Drinking Coffee while working on computer at night