
Upcoming Webinars

Blanchard Leadership Summit Speaker Showcase

Transforming Leadership Development: From Design Thinking to Digital Integration

Maximising Learning Outcomes: Technology, Engagement and Measuring Impact

Building Leadership Bench Strength: Experience, Alignment, and Managing Change

The Heart of Human Achievement: Strategy, Design, and Delivery

A comprehensive learning and development plan requires three components: a sound strategy, a well-thought-out design, and inspired delivery. That’s the focus of this year’s Blanchard Leadership Summit. 

During the months of July and August presenters at this year’s Summit will be offering sneak peeks into their topic presentations. In short, focused, 10-minute formats they will share with you an insight and actionable strategy that you can use to begin creating the type of leader—and organisation, where people engage and thrive.

Join us for one, two, or all three of these sessions. They’re free—courtesy of Blanchard. 

Transforming Leadership Development:  From Design Thinking to Digital Integration

July 25 at 2:00am NZ Time

In this first session of the Blanchard Leadership Summit Showcase, explore modern instructional design from four different angles focused on planning, technology, content, and follow-up. Each presentation will feature a practical strategy paired with an actionable insight.


Maximising Learning Outcomes:  Technology, Engagement and Measuring Impact

August 16 at 2:00am NZ Time

In this second session of the Blanchard Leadership Summit Showcase, Blanchard experts focus on best-practice course content delivery—both in-person and remote.


Building Leadership Bench Strength: Experience, Alignment, and Managing Change

August 29 at 2:00am NZ Time

In this third session of the Blanchard Leadership Summit Showcase, Blanchard experts will focus on helping you build strong leaders and an engaged, change-ready workforce.


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